September 7, 2011
 Th e Original Taekwon-Do Federation of America (O.T.F.A.) would like to formally invite you to the 1st Annual Technical Conference. The Technical Conference will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Red Rock Casino, Resort and Spaon September 24 & 25, 2011.  It will be instructed by Master Vincent Affatigato (VII Dan), Mr. Cody Springsguth (VI Dan), and Mr. Lee Benson (VI Dan). Th e technical conference is free of charge to all participants and it is open to all ITF style Dans and Gups. Th e conference will focus on Fundamental Movements, Dallyon, Patterns, Sparring and Self Defense.
O.T.F.A. secured a block of rooms at a discounted rate of $130.00 per night with a $10.00 resort fee plus tax for its participants. Individuals who will be attending need to contact the Red Rock Casino, Resort and Spa directly and indicate their affi liation. Â During the event, breakfast will be provided courtesy of O.T.F.A., and on Saturday evening the Las Vegas Martial Arts Academy will be hosting a barbeque dinner for all participants.