How to Join

In order to join ITF-TAO, one must be under the direct supervision of one of our International Instructors (if you ar not already a 4th Dan or above International Instructor).  Please check Directory of Dojangs to contact an ITF-TAO instructor near you who may help you become a member of ITF-TAO.

Membership applications must be evaluated and approved by the ITF-TAO Board of Directors.  The first step in affiliating your group with the ITF-TAO is to contact us at   The Board of Directos will review your group and its activities and discuss your affiliation with the current membership in your contry.  Together they will make a determination as to whether or not the application for affiliation should be approved. Upon approval an official notification will be sent to you.

The ITF-TAO is a Traditional Authentic, Original Chang-Hun style Taekwon-Do organization, founded by Instructors who studied directly under General Choi Hong Hi, the founder of Taekwon-Do.  ITF-TAO is a non-profit organization that strives to uphold the integrity and goals of General Choi Hong Hi, which includes following the guidelines and principles set forth by the Student Oath and the Tenets of Taekwon-Do.

ITF-TAO is rich in tradition, but continuously moves forward to bring all Chang-Hun Taekwon-Do practitioners together to follow these same guidelines. It is our sincere hope that this website be used as a guide to help in this endeavor.  ITF-TAO welcomes Chang-Hun style Taekwon-Do organizations from all countries to join.

Highlighted below are some of the benefits of ITF-TAO membership.  Anyone who becomes a member of ITF-TAO will receive:

  • Instruction in the Original Art of Taekwon-Do created by General Choi Hong Hi
  • Annual Technical Conference (free)
  • Official ITF recognition plaque
  • In addition to practicing at one's Dojang, the privilege of practicing at Dojangs across the country and the world.
  • The opportunity to attend ITF-TAO-sponsored activities such as Special Trainings and special practices led by senior black belts
  • Continuing guidance – via personal training, email and web site communication – on interpreting, applying and integrating the instructional material in the condensed encyclopedia of Taekwon-Do (5th edition, 1999) by General Choi Hong Hi.
  • Access to the ITF-TAO web site for news on current activities in Canada, USA and international affiliates, schedule of events, monthly training calendar, and articles and resources related to the martial arts.
  • The opportunity to be ranked at Gup (white and black stripe ranking) tests.
  • The opportunity to be ranked at Dan (black belt ranking) tests.  Furthermore, at ITF-TAO Dan tests, each candidate is carefully judged and graded by senior members of the organization, according to the standards handed down through General Choi Hong Hi.
  • Most importantly, ITF-TAO membership puts the practitioner in line with the direct lineage handed down by General Choi Hong Hi.  Because of his life-long dedication and personal investment in so many of the black belts, other martial arts organizations find it difficult to compare with ITF-TAO's rich heritage, depth, consistency, and its commitment to pass the martial art of Taekwon-Do, unchanged, to future generations.

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