April 1, 2014
On Saturday March 22 ITF-USA hosted a black belt class with attendees from ITF-TAO and the ATFI. The class was held at Ott's Taekwon-Do and was taught by Mr. Ott. Over 40 participants trained for three hours going over kicking drills and patterns. Patterns were covered extensively taking time to explain the purpose and method of each movement clearly. While black belt patterns were covered Mr. Sutton made sure all the color belts were strong in their patterns before they left that day in order to get ready for their upcoming test. It was a great day of training on the birthday of the ITF. Everyone is looking forward to the next black belt class which will be held at Mr. Sutton's school and will cover sparring drills to prepare competitors for the the upcoming Can-Am Championships to be held in Oakville in May.