Archive for the ‘Country – Canada’ Category

New Dojang in Western Canada

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018

December 30, 2017

New member in Western Canada

ITF-TAO would like to welcome Mr. Chris Howes and the students of Cardston Taekwon-Do as our latest new member. After a year long hiatus from running a Dojang Mr. Howes has relocated from Calgary to Cardston for fresh new start.

Mr. Howes is a certified 6th Dan Black Belt with many years of experience in Taekwon-Do. We look forward to working with him to keep the Original Taekwon-Do of the Founder alive in its purist form.

Please join us in welcoming Mr. Howes and his students back to the ITF-TAO family.



Oakridge Invitational Tournament

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

November 9, 2017

On Saturday, October 28, 2017, Oakridge Taekwon-Do hosted the first annual Oakridge TKD Invitational tournament at Fanshawe College, London campus.  One hundred and twenty competitors from nine dojangs across Ontario and Philadelphia, USA took part in an exciting day of competition.  The women’s team pattern event was introduced and was a huge success with Morningstar TKD winning the gold medal and Oakridge TKD bringing home the silver!

Thank you to all for your support and I look forward to seeing you next October!


Another Successful CanAm

Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

June 3, 2017

On Saturday June 4, competitors from across Canada, USA gathered in the City of Brotherly love, Philadelphia, PA for what turned out to be a fantastic day of high level competition. Congratulations to Mr. Fran Ott and Mr. Sean Sutton for hosting a very professional and well organised event.

The tournament started with an opening ceremony that began with introductions both National anthems.  The tournament was highlighted by a fiercely competitive Black Belt division and, as usual a Canada vs. USA final match of the day with the USA coming out on top.  All in all a great event.



Technical Seminar at CFB Borden

Saturday, July 12th, 2014

July 9, 2014

On Saturday June 14th Integrity TKD and head instructor Mr. Dwayne Bos hosted their first technical seminar conducted by ITF-TAO Technical Director Mr. Mike Morningstar.  The seminar was held on Canadian Fforces Base Borden and Instructors and students from Integrity TKD, Morningstar TKD, Smiths TKD participated.  The 4-hour long training session coverd basic movements, patterns, 3-step, 2-step and 1-step sparring.  The seminar was followed by a promotion test for colored belt ranks.

2014 07 09 - Technical Seminar At CFB Borden