Annual Technical Conference-Japan

March 10, 2024

ITF-TAO Japan was the host country for our Annual Technical Conference on March 9-10. As uusal Master Tsuchida and his organising committee did a fantastic job hosting. A promotion test was also held after Saturdays training and was presided over by Master Yanagi and Master Johnson. Keeping true to the teachings of the founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi, the students and instructors were drilled on correct sine wave and the proper application of techniques. By the end of the 9 hour training everyone was exhausted but motivated in their efforts to keep Chang Hun Taekwon-Do alive in its purist form. Thank you to ITF-TAO Japan for hosting this year. We all look forward to the 2025 Technical Conference and AGM in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

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